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- Focus on what excites you.
- Make sure that what you love doing the most, loves you back just as much
- Variety in life is important to health, just as much as sunlight, water, love, good food and friends.
- Exercise your creative muscle in everything.
- Leave everything more beautiful than you have originally found it.
- Respect all objects and all living things.
- Write as much as you can. Laugh as much as you can.
- What's done is done. The question is, what's being done?
- When you love working with tigers, they might take a swipe at you every once in a while.
- Is it a gesture is it a move?
- The fragrance of lemons refreshes the mind.
- When you don't know, ask for help.
- Reframe, reframe, reframe. Nothing is set in stone, there is always a way.
- Always pick your battles wisely.
- Keep your cool no matter what.
- Your comfort zone shrinks when you keep expanding it.
- Create. Write. Be. Observe. Love.
- Having the growth mindset is (another) super power.
- Own your mistakes but also own your brilliance.
- Think big, then bigger.
- The words to the ultimate freedom: "It is just an experiment!"
- Don't ask: "Are you interested?" Instead ask: "Are you willing to consider this?"
- You don't play the odds in the game. You play the man.
- It's not bragging, if it's true.
- You are always free to choose the way you respond to people and circumstances.
- "According to me" is the only "according to" that matters.
- Don't raise your voice. Improve your argument.
- Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself.
- You can win a 'no - win' situation by re-writing the rules.
- If the ocean can calm itself, so can you. You are both made of salt and water.
- It's not important how good you are now, but how good you really want to be and what you're prepared to do about it.
- No pity party.
- Do a square breathing exercise.
- Courage always pays off.
- 1st law of physics: what do we know for sure it's true?
- There is more than work in life.
- Happiness is coming your way. Welcome it.
- All wisdom begins in wonder. What was the last time you really allowed yourself to be amazed?
- Astonish yourself!
- Sameness is something necessary to bring clarity to your mind.
- Turn envy into a powerful guidane mechanism.
- Stop punishing yourself. Guilt is useless.
- Decide if you love someone more than you hate them.
- Write every day about everything and anything.
- Power may blindside you. Be careful.
- Beauty is to be found in every moment if you know how to look at it.
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