
rebellient, yellow, dream, fantasy, human, cosmic

Why I created REBELLIENT

I created REBELLIENT as a platform for a fresh cross-disciplinary perspective on leadership and mindset for growth. It integrates essential insights from a variety of domains such as business, science, philosophy, entrepreneurship, spirituality and art in the framework of Living and Leading From Within.

REBELLIENT celebrates all restless rebels who refuse to sit and wait for life to happen to them. Instead, they choose to get back into the seat of creators and own their reality. They choose to learn how to become stronger people and powerful leaders who turn obstacles into the most beautiful opportunities for success, happiness and growth. Everything transforms into the perspective we view it from. That is why, perspective is everything.

REBELLIENT is an expression of my core-values 

The rebel thinker who seeks to move the world forward, a free-range human unafraid to think and feel critically, to challenge the status-quo and show what is possible.
The resilient human being who, through their love for life, deliberately learns how to thrive on change and challenge.
The artist who seeks to create new meanings and provide fresh perspectives.

How I seek to be of service

It was Marcus Aurelius who said that the universe is change and life is what our thoughts make of it. I help people become aware of how their inner reality (beliefs, views, thoughts, questions) impacts their business, leadership and life. I do this through writing, speaking and art. My work ethics and life philosophy are inseparably related. I believe I can only be of true service to others if I live and apply what I believe in with confidence and conviction. 

Who benefits from my work

Although I am most often approached by business professionals, mid-/high-level business executives and entrepreneurs, my work is of added value to people from all areas of life. Those who benefit from my insights often find themselves in contrasting circumstances. That is, an environment in conflict with their core values, beliefs and expectations. All of them share a strong motivation to transform personally. My goal is to help them regain confidence and perspective, so that they can focus on the thoughts and actions that ultimately lead to a more fulfilling life and successful professional growth.
